Does Habitat Give Houses Away?
This is a common misconception. Habitat does not give houses away - we are a hand up, not a hand out - instead, we provide people a no-profit, no-interest mortgage to make home ownership a possibility for those who could not otherwise purchase a home.
I need a place to live right now. Can you help?
Our home ownership program is not a quick fix. The application and building processes are quite lengthy. If you need housing quickly, contact the United Way's 2-1-1 Information Hotline at 2-1-1 on landlines or 330-499-9997 on cellular phones. You can also call the homeless hotline at 330-452-4363
​​What makes these homes affordable?
Four simple things make Habitat homes affordable for lower-income people:
Volunteer labor keeps costs low
No-profit selling price
No-interest mortgage
Gifts from companies, individuals, local organizations and charities
​Are Alliance Area Habitat homes government subsidized?
Even though we receive government grants for construction costs, The Alliance Area Habitat for Humanity does not receive any government assistance to help families cover their mortgage payments. Our funding primarily comes from contributions, grants, mortgage payments made by Habitat homeowners, and the goodwill of the Alliance area community in constructing homes. Once homes are sold to families, they assume responsibility for their mortgages.
My question wasn't answered. Where can I get more information?
​Call (330-823-2448) or email us (allianceareahabitat@gmail.com) for more information or check out Habitat for Humanity International's site at www.habitat.org